Partnership with the municipality of Recife to analyze data on gender-based violence using semantic analysis and artificial intelligence.
The partnership between the Rio Grande do Norte State Secretariat of Public Health and Vital Strategies began with the project Gender-based violence modelling in Brazil and public policy application, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Started in 2022, the project aims to innovate through the data matching process, incorporating data from different sectors related to gender-based violence in the municipality.
The project innovated by matching data from Brazilian health systems – Notifiable Diseases and Conditions Information System (SINAN), Mortality Information System (SIM) and Hospital Information System (SIH) – with police reports and social assistance data. By crossing data from the same woman in different information systems, it was possible to identify the patterns of victims’ trajectories through the public services and produce inputs for the design of intersectoral policies for the prevention of gender-based violence.
Partnership with the municipality of Recife to analyze data on gender-based violence using semantic analysis and artificial intelligence.
Study on gender-based violence with a specific focus on race/color, in the municipality of Goiânia and the state of Rio Grande do Norte.
Partnership with the municipality of Goiânia to generate evidence on gender-based violence.